Saturday, March 15, 2014

Nothing personal...

The dualistic thinking of the Enlightenment, so adopted-as-official-dogma by Democrats, & perversely used by Republicans (the two shit-sucking entertainment sports teams of our unitary corporate system) boils down to a couple of things:

As stated by privileged white peeples in the 17th century, reason & emotion are separate, and if people are presented with the FACTS, they will make the right decision (the liberal mantra).  The exact opposite is true----emotion and enculturation color EVERYTHING we think, and these values can be instilled with agitprop.  Anyone who is after power understands this; in our country the Rethug Reptiles are the prime example, sucking the tit of corporate money & being positively brazen about it.  The Dems will say nice things (sort of) to your face and screw you from behind, and call this "compromise".

The Rule Of Law is a falsehood---ANY conclusion can be validated with lawyer-think.

It's only a short leap to the saying "nothing personal, just business".  It ain't personal if you're winning and your Uncle Scrooge money room is full, and you have the POWER.

For the folks who lose, generally people of color who sit on natural resources (how did OUR oil get under THEIR sand, anyway???), or who are too weak to fight a massively (and in most cases, U.S. or U.S. armed) financed financial/military/political/religious regime that wants them to labor at slave wages (or NO wages), it's VERY personal.

Keep 'em stupid and breeding.  Use 'em up like spent brass in a machine-gun belt. THAT is the philosophy of Capitalism (and all the other power-isms throughout the ages). 

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